Privacy policy
Skilljoy, LLC is an international mobile game company specialized in the creation and publishing of mobile games and applications. The purpose of this privacy policy is to provide you will all of the important explanations and information about how and what reasons some of your data may be collected and processed by Skilljoy, LLC when you use one of our applications.
What data does Skilljoy, LLC collect and what is it used for?
All apps and games that collect data will do so for analytic, ads and tracking purposes. None of our apps or games will be linked to your identity. We will use the information we collect to help provide a better game and app experience to you and the others that play our games for now, and in the future.
With who may your data be shared & why?
Skilljoy, LLC does not share your personal data with third parties without your prior consent in the countries where collecting users’ consent may be required by applicable laws and regulations.
When you consent to the collection of data for advertising and analytics purpose, we may share the data listed above with the following categories of recipients:
Ad Partners: that allow us to monetize the ad inventory of our apps and provide users with free products and services.
Those partners usually collect data via their own tools (Software Development Kits or “SDK”). You will find a list of our partners implementing advertising SDKs through our applications and the privacy policies of their services that describe their practices and allow you to exercise your rights directly toward them hereafter:
AdColony -
Chartboost -
Google AdMob -
Unity Ads -
Vungle -
Analytic companies: that provide us with tools and technologies that allow us to better understand how users interact with our services and will help us improve it. Those partners also usually collect data via their own SDKs. You will find a list of our partners implementing analytical SDKs through our applications hereafter:​
GameAnalytics -
Google Analytics -
Authorities: only to the extent we are obliged to by applicable laws and regulations.
Children data
Skilljoy, LLC never knowingly or willingly collect any personal data concerning children under 16 years of age.
Some of the partners and processors referred to in this policy are located outside of the European Union.
In such case, we ensure that:
the personal data is transferred to countries recognized as offering an equivalent level of protection or,
For personal data transferred outside of countries recognized by the European Commission as having a sufficient level of protection, any of the mechanisms offering appropriate guarantees is used, for which provision is made by applicable regulations, and notably the adoption of the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission.